
Shahjahan Siraj is a web designer, documentary film maker, and photographer as well as multimedia and development practitioner. He works in Bangladesh and Japan widely.

Siraj was born in Mymensingh, Bangladesh; studied geological science at Jahangirnagar University in 1995. After graduating from university in science, he was looking the social form of professional life and became devoted to being a multimedia artist.

Shahjahan Siraj has multidimensional and multicultural work experiences in multimedia design, photography, and media production since 1995. After the long way of self-motivated education and contribution at Drik as the multimedia team leader and senior lecturer at University of Liberal Arts ( ULAB) he has established social venture Machizo.

During work at Drik, by meeting and watching the works of world famous photographers, he realized the big power of photography. After he becomes a devoted to photography and multimedia art to contribute to moral education and human rights development.

Detais at official URL:

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