
Sushi is the most delicious and favorites to among both Japanese and non Japanese. In Japan, Sushi is usually considered a special meal for special occasions or to guest. When I have arrived Japan I also was served with Sushi and Shashimi < Japanese raw fish > by my relatives. In Bangladesh also I ate one day Sushi, made by my wife. But in Fukushima by taking real test I am very impressed with its real flavors. In 3rd February there was a Japanese traditional ceremony Setsubun < on this day people practice a ceremony called Mamemaki (bean-throwing) at temples, shrines and at home to expel demons (symbol of misfortune) and invite good fortune.> Three neighbors of my wife family presented delicious Sushi on the eve of Mamemaki and my visit. Please find one photo of Sushi was taken by me.

There are many forms of Sushi. But one ingredient Sushi rice, (Japanese rice cooked with Sushi vinegar). The common forms are nigiri zushi (small rice balls with fish and other small pieces of food on top), gunkan zushi (seafood in small cups made of Sushi rice and seaweed), norimaki (Sushi rolls), temaki zushi (Sushi rice, seafood and other food in cones made of seaweed), chirashi zushi (seafood spread over Sushi rice), inari zushi (Sushi rice in small bags of deep fried tofu) and many more.

URL : Sushi making procedure>

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