The Sento

Sento is the Japanese public bathhouses. Yesterday was my most interesting experiences in my life. I publicly took bath without cloth at Pivot Power city in Fukushima. To take bath hot bath in publicly is a part of general life in Japan. Pivot power city at Fukushima main city.
For the Japanese case the equation is simple: “Sento = cleanliness + nakedness + togetherness”, but for me as like as another foreigners “Sento = hesitation + shyness + relax + satisfactions”.

My experience was such, my relative guided by my bother in law to Sento. After arrived in power city we locked shoes in box. After get ticked electrically we enter main arena of Sento. After arrival he quickly put off his all cloths in front me but I was felling shy severely; but my appearance was bravely to absorb other culture as like world cultural activist. I was so surprised to see all people naked, just have one small white towel in hand! At last I also put off but did not forget to put my small white handkerchief to protect my secret organ. But I was failure!

By following my relative, I first was my body and hair. After that we start to take bath in hot water < 44 degree C >. There was continuously moving hot water in the big bath top < like small pond > electrically. After finish almost 12 minutes bath in this top, we moved to open air hot spring < where do not have electrical system, fully natural > to be relax. It is very essential as after take hot bath generally body becomes excited and awake up absolutely.

After finish relaxes stage, we went in a hot air house < 84 degree C >. During entrance I felt burring hotness; I just touched the wall of room for test. I astonished, very hot! Quickly move moved my hand. To generate artificial swatting people set here for few minutes like meditation and watch TV until swat out! After just comeback from the hot room, I was felling from my all cells coming out water! Very relax. After 2 minutes take rest, we take bath again in opposite quit cold water < 22 degree C >. Suddenly temperature change, so my body becomes fully conscious! I felt heavenly relax and happiness, little trusty and tried!

At last after finish relax bath in the “grave wine water top” we washed finally our body and comeback from Sento to dressing room. But I did not forget to protect my secret organs by my white handkerchief. Even my brother in law men of room is moving without hesitations. To take photo and laughing in Sento is prohibited. There are different type Sento always separated for man and woman.

It should say Sento culture was started over 400 years in Japan, but a post-war construction boom in residential housing without bathing facilities or running water cemented the Sento culture get wide recognition and popularity in the community. Hover Sento is civil and respectful arenas, and privacy is respected. Now every Japanese house has small version of Sento.

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